This cased pair was previously loaned to the Metropolitan Museum of Art from the collection of Dr. Gerald Klaz and listed as Louis-Julien Gastinne-Renette circa 1855 (L.1991.70.5) and as exhibited in the newly renovated Arms and Armor Galleries beginning in October 1991.
They were originally exhibited at the 1855 Paris World's Fair.
Additional notes from the MET provide insight into the historical nature of this set: it was made specifically for Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria.
He was also President of the German Confederation and "This otherwise unrecorded pair of pistols is mentioned in a report by the gunsmith Anton Lebeda on firearms exhibited in Paris. Gastinne-Renette is said to have exhibited several weapons made for the Emperor, including this pair, the case of which is mentioned as having vine-leaf decoration. The imperial crown on the lid, with the initials KH (Kaiserliche Hoheit = Imperial Highness), confirms this identification."
These pistols are in the general style of those popular in France and Belgium in the 1840s-1850s and of some of the incredibly elaborate pistols exhibited at French and international exhibitions of the 19th century.
Louis-Julien Gastinne-Renette (1812-1885) was an armourer to the rulers of
France and Spain.
This pair
was made in 1844 and exhibited at the French Industrial Exhibition of 1844, the
tenth of eleven Paris exhibitions that served as precursors to the first World's
Fair of 1851.
Gastinne-Renette won a prize at the exhibition, and these pistols are
prominently illustrated in "Exposition de l'Industrie Française, Année 1844..."
in the first volume between pages 44 and 45.
authors note (roughly translated from French): "One of the beautiful things in
the exhibition of arms was a pair of pistols by M. Gastinne-Renette. The cast
steel barrels are richly chased; the angles formed by the sides of the barrel
are rounded into small columns which support an elegant ogive; the ornaments are
in very good taste; the gilding is skillfully aged and blends well with the gray
color given to the steel. We admired no less the boxes of pistols sent by M.
Gastinne-Renette ; they are made of ebony and stationed in
chiseled iron.
a word, all the pieces he had exhibited justified the reputation of the old
Renette house, the only one in Paris where it was said that the firearm was
entirely manufactured".
The pair
had previously been loaned to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (L.1991.70.2) and
exhibited in the newly renovated Arms & Armor galleries from October 1991. They
are said to reflect the "eclectic mid-century taste for Gothic and Renaissance
Here a beautiful shotgun to gauge 16, made in 1867 per the arms manufacturer and gunner of the emperor Napoleon III, Gastinne Renette.
Engravings are very delicate and the barrels of 74 cm are in Damas.
System of closing doubles bolt, opening by a key in front of the trigger guard, known as “levier à volute”.
Locks steel ahead, embedded in the rocker, soaks marbled.
There is a lever or push rod of safety in lower part of the handle.
That resembles a rifle launches harpoon, for the boats, the barrel is short and the completion nickelled.
Bernardino (Spain)
The track: I believe to remember that Gastinne Renette marketed lance harpoons on mechanisms Rolling Block….what would explain besides perfectly well the part under the longuess making it possible to fix the weapon at the free-board of a boat.
What the correspondent answers you seems to go in the direction of the lance harpoon….use of a case Remington HYPER SOLID ….to obtain that! (This modification is well-known…)
Otherwise gauge 45-60 goes back to 1879….and was well striped.
I “am not shoed enough” to affirm you that I am right but I believe nevertheless that the track is worth to be thorough!!!
Marc (France)
The action (breech mechanism) of this gun came from a 12.7mm Swedish military rolling block rifle, made by Husqvarna in 1871.
Looks like a Harpoon Gun to me, but I am no expert on these. The fixture at bottom could be for a device for holding the string.
Kind regards,
Janez Hartman (Slovenia)
I would consider the possibility that this may have been a line throwing gun. A blank cartridge propels a long bolt with a line connected to the spool which was fastened to the firearm by the lug in question. This line being fired from ship to ship would then be used as a "messenger" to pull a heavier line to connect the two ships. I have used line throwing guns from ship to ship using the H&R tip up chambered for the 45/70 blank cartridge. This was standard practice when I served in the U.S. Navy.
Everett (USA)
Hello Alain,
In appendix the patent of Gastinne-Renette concerning the “Improvements with the apparatuses lance-harpoons”, going back to 1932.
I think that one could attach this apparatus to each single-barrelled rifle, then also of Remington Rolling Block.
Unfortunately, on yours the apparatus patented itself misses, only the assembly under the forearm is present.
Dirk (germany)
Here is another !
Here a pistol falling block of Gastinne Renette to Paris, approximately 1850, in 6 mm Flobert.
The double name Gastinne Renette is adopted by the store in 1840 to market weapons of prestige and luxury.
Great specialities: pistols of duel and living room. In 1847 it recorded its patent to protect its pistol to falling block under the action of the trigger guard (Sharps way).
In 1850 it opens its shooting range in Paris.
GASTINNE-RENETTE Louis-Julien - Harquebusier in Paris, marries the girl of Albert RENETTE, his employer, in 1834. He succeeds in 1840 thus creating house GASTINNE-RENETTE. He will be an harquebusier of the Emperor Napoleon III and King of Spain. Buy, in April 1857, a ground to the 39 alley of Antin, which will become then which occurred Franklin Roosevelt. His son, Jules, will succeed to him in 1870, and then will be replaced by Paul Gastinne-Renette in 1901. The son of this last, Rene, will hold the house of 1936 to 1973. Then, the house is directed by Patrick LALLOUR. Manufacture all kinds of rifles, guns of combat, Damas guns and ribbons, patented for a rifle taking care by behind, closing by eccentric which breech the gun like a rod rifle and thus being able to take care without cartridge. Manufacture and deposit of Delvigne rifles. In 1850, shooting with the gun and rifle. School of hunting, shooting to the pigeons and wild rabbits. Exposures of Paris in 1844 (MA), 1849 (MA), 1855 (Medal 1st class), 1867, 1878 (MO) and 1889 (except contest). Exposures of London in 1851 (Price Medal) and 1862. Repurchased in the years 1990 by GUENE, still in activity at the end of XXe. - 1, roundabout of the Champs-Elysées (1844) - 39, Allée d’Antin (1849 and 1867) – 39 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt (1857-XXIe century)
J.Jacques Buigné - "Who’s who" of the weapons in France, 2001
Edoardo Mori (Italie)
Small history of Gastinne-Renette.
The 8/5/1793, Henri Renette is established in Paris.
In 1809, it appears among the best gunners of France.
In 1812, It leaves the Popincourt district for the “Champs-Elysées.
It joined Louis Gastinne (glorious soldier reformed because of its many wounds incurred at the time of the Napoleonean campaigns).
In 1834, the son of Louis, Louis-Julien Gastinne marries Joséphine-Adele Renette, the girl of Henri.
April 8, 1857, the couple buys a ground to the 39, Allée d’Antin (currently Avenue Franklin Roosevelt) and there establishes a store. Located very well because it comprises openings on the 3 sides of the triangle ranging between current Avenue F Roosevelt, the Montaigne Avenue and the roundabout of the Champs-Elysées.
In 1848 (after the de Louis-Philippe fall) the new leaders of the 2e République come to provide themselves at Gastinne-Renette.
Louis Gastinne confirms his fame after the advent of Prince Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte to the presidency of the Republic.
After the proclamation of the Empire in 1852, the Gastinne-Renette House becomes the regular supplier of the Emperor Napoleon III and the imperial court.
In April 1855 it receives one to let pass which specifies: "By order of the Emperor, Mr Gastinne Renette is authorized to enter to the Palate and to leave there with weapons...". This document proves confidence that one testifies to him. The headed notepapers from now on are made out "Gastinne Renette à Paris, 39 avenue d’Antin, Champs-Elysées, Canonnier arquebusier of the Emperor, Prince Impérial, the Queen and King d'Espagne".
Large specialist in the weapon of hunting and luxury, Gastinne Renette also included very quickly the revolver advantage of, and worked on models Tranter and Smith & Wesson. First of all it worked on the original models by "finishing them" and then created its own patented models inspired of these weapons.
According to H. Vuillemin
Gastinne-Renette à Paris
"Arquebusier de l'Empereur"
Cal. 12mm rifled, single trigger for dueling purpose,outstanding case.
Photos friendly authorized by "HORST HELD"
Gastinne Renette
Gastinne Renette Cased Breechloading Percussion Pistols Loading lever down, showing barrels sliding forward, opening obturating breech.
Photos of "HALLOWELLCO" with my grateful thanks.
Gastinne Renette
Caliber 6.5x68R
Single Shot 27" tapered octagon-to-round barrel of Bohler Superblitz steel with hand-filed all-integral quarter rib, shallow full-length rib and raised front sight ramp.
Highly figured walnut stock with forend extending nearly to the muzzle.
Fine rose & scroll engraved by Xavier Goudin.
Photos of "HALLOWELLCO" with my grateful thanks.