KOLB André

29 years after the publication of Mr Michel Druart's article, published in the FIRE magazine in 1990 (05-74), I believe I can provide some elements of response to the questions and remarks he raised.

In all modesty and awaiting further additional information.

On its origin:

Its designer André KOLB (the KO of Vil-Ko) from Villars (42) is also the manufacturer of the MOUSTIC pistol.

This small rifle was produced by the SMFM at 56 rue de Tarentaise in Saint Etienne in 1954 in 6mm bosquette caliber then in 1960 in 22LR and 5.5 short.

This company created by Messrs. Rouby and Montclard produced it until the death of Mr. Rouby in 1967. It closed permanently in 1972.

Concerning the following 3 remarks:

The extraction maneuver is harder and the effort to be applied is disproportionate to the size of the cartridges.

The mechanism makes any hope of repetition unlikely without considerable modifications

I recently acquired a repeating rifle of this brand (it is the second one I have seen in 50 years, and the first one was in poor condition).

The 3 points raised previously are resolved by:

Abandoning the half-moon extractor for a claw extractor with ejector.

Adaptation of a magazine well that receives a magazine (Reina manufrance)

This adaptation leads to a modification of the feed ramp

Thus modified, the use of this weapon is very pleasant both for its handling (as flexible as a traditional slide) and for its precision. (attached are some photos).

JJ. C.