Lefaucheux 1870
On the middle left side of the frame: Lefaucheux logo followed by 6158: Serial number of the weapon or other number?
On the right side: No. 2808 repeated 3 times. Serial number of the weapon by the manufacturer? Navy assignment number (in the 4000) but why repeat it 3 times?
Very simple: The LF is the serial number of the mixed Navy and civilian M1870s.
The other is the Navy ship number, those that were assigned to a ship.
Why 3 times, to find these little ones during dismantling on board!
Lefaucheux 1870
A nice example of 1870 of Lefaucheux in civil version.
Characteristics identical to the regulatory model, except markings and wand
Lefaucheux 1870 Navy
It’s well a Revolver 1870 Navy (Anchor on the cap) left the workshops of Eugene Lefaucheux.
One recognizes well the logo, the famous LF with the gun broken above, followed by his job number, here 2786, and marking on the top of carcass LEFAUCHEUX Bte. SGDG PARIS, I do not know the significance of G (Can be a controller) and 2 E (Can be for 2nd series which with undergone a modification on the level of a spring??).
Lefaucheux mod. 1870
Many thanks to Tom for the nice pictures