Casimir Lefaucheux

Here is a rare Casimir pistol with 2 barrels and 1 trigger.


Casimir Lefaucheux

Vénerie pistol bore 24.

This pistol looks like nearly the one presented in the book written by Gerard Lautissier, "Casimir Lefaucheux Arquebusier 1802-1852" edition du portail, page 20.


Weight: 1200 grams

Overall length: 3200 mm

Barrel lengths: 1800 mm

Bore: 24 pinfire with smooth barrels.

Opening of the barrels by a Lefaucheux type handle, to the right, according to the Patent 5183 of March 13, 1833

The pistol grip is from elm burl with a steel cap.

Round trigger guard without a finger rest.

Locks called « backwards » three pillars embedded in the wood.

Proof marks and markings:

No signature is a priori visible from the outside, it’s only by removing the barrels that the pistol shows the creator and allows an approximate dating.

On the right side of the guns in three semi-circles:

Invention - C. Lefaucheux - in Paris.

Marking without number and a "C. Lefaucheux " which does not match the requirements of the concession Casimir sign with gunsmiths from Liege, St Etienne and Paris.

As written, page 20 of the book, article 3 and 4 of the concession can be read;

"Any weapon made will have a order number with the words: Invention Lefaucheux in Paris"

Visible on the picture at page 23.

It also stipulates that the name of the dealer shall be marked on the strip between the barrels.

On the left side, two other markings, that were only partially affected.

Nevertheless even the partial strikes allows a dating:

Part of a crown, a piece of a palm and a +

This is very similar to the proof mark of St Etienne in use from 1824 to 1836.

So taking into account the date of the patent and the sale by Casimir Lefaucheux to Mr. Jube on December 17, 1835, we may, subject to verification, locate the manufacture of the pistol between 13 March 1833 and 17 December 1835.

Below it seems to recognize the punch "Albert Bernard" (AB crowned in an oval) is his usual gunner or the bore size.

So a real gun made by Casimir Lefaucheux?

The observations described above make me think it is.

Casimir Lefaucheux

To better understand this type of weapon, there are two books at your disposal:

- Casimir Lefaucheux Arquebusier 1802-1852 pages 83 to 86 of Gerald Lautissier

- The saga of the shotguns Lefaucheux pages 23 to 28 of JC Mournetas

This single stroke rifle was produced by Casimir Lefaucheux in Paris, in the workshops of the 5 street JJ Rousseau.

Rifle resulting from patent 5138 of January 28th, 1833 and addition of March 13th, 1833.

The patent and milked addition of the key of swing thus of the opening of the barrels.

The chimneys are placed generally directly on the barrels, here they are on the rocker what is rarer (more difficult has to realize)


Casimir Lefaucheux

Photos Littlegun

Casimir Lefaucheux

Lefaucheux pepperbox

The weapons made by Casimir Lefaucheux are innovating and rare; here a pepperbox, six barrels calibre 12 mm pinfire according to the patent No 1371 of May 2, 1845 and addition of May 25, 1846 (grips and mechanism; nut at which the stem with platform is fixed by means of screw; rotating barrels).

I don’t know the mark or punch struck below one of the plates of grips (JH?).


Casimir Lefaucheux

Here some photographs of a rifle Lefaucheux (obviously a Casimir) of gauge 14 in restoration. It is one of the first models, whose disassembling of the barrel is done by removing the pin.

One of markings of the barrel is badly struck, one can think of CF interlaced. On Stockel, this marking is quoted but without being able to be allotted to somebody (see scan makes by Guillaume, mark n° 2476). Nothing found on the “ML”.

Under the buttplate : HB. Inside locks: GL.

To note the little plate of separation between the two rooms, which I saw only once on the rifle of a friend (a Marquis manufactured under Lefaucheux license), of a model former to this one bus equipped with the large key very bent and less broad than the front of the rocker.


Casimir Lefaucheux

SMALL DOCUMENTATION! concerning punches of a first model of Casimir LEFAUCHEUX as well as the punches of “the eprouvor” of barrels of Saint-Etienne, Pierre GIRAUD- died in 1839.

Characteristic of this weapon, the rocker is grooved to receive the small mortise machined in the thunder of the barrels.
