Rigarmi (Rino Galesi RG, Brescia)

Mod. Hijo Militar


October 8 - 8h08

Hello Alain,

The pistol, marked made in italy remains unknown for the moment bus in the years 1950 - 1960 (the gun was built in '59) officially there were no Italian manufactory which produced of copy of the PPK, but ......

It is necessary to seek the truth in lower part of the two flowers which were printed in front of the word “militar” and for that, I have some suspect.

This morning, if it sometimes happens to me to succeed in giving a phone call, I will speak with a very old man (85 years, including at least 60 last in the weapons) which can give me the answer.

A bentosto!

(Italian of 1600, translation of: so long)


Alberto Riccadonna (Italy)


October 8 - 15H20

Peppereppè, peppereppeppè

I found it!


Manufactured by Rigarmi (Rino Galesi RG, Brescia) MOD. Hijo Militar, cal.7, 65

One can find the model in the site of Edoardo Mori - Atlante storico delle armi corte - Historisches Atlas der Handfeuerwaffen - Historical Atlas of hand guns.

See N° 38-30

This gun in Italy is almost unknown, and the name, written in Spanish, (Hijo Militar: translation: son soldier) can indicate the destination for the American southern market.

Galesi, weapons of quality not excellent, I would say current (I have in my collection 2 Galesi pistols, with the first it misses the ejector, ever assembled and the second, very new, forever drawn a shot, because the striker does not have the length necessary!)

And now I will rest

alb= tired