A. Haetge
This is a rather unusual needle gun with double barrels made by A. Haetge in Berlin. He is listed in Heer/Der Neue Stöckel, Volume 1: "Haetge, A. Berlin/D, 19. Jh. Hofbüchsenmacher". I think that the system developed by Haetge is nothing else than a modified Dreyse system.
It is about a German rifle of an initial system Dreyse or Kuefahl with needles crossing to it cartouche paper containing the starter in the center but probably transformed at the time with central percussion by increasing the diameter of the stem of percussion. The armament is done by pushing back the 2 cylinders forwards what arms the springs with percussion!
The rather complicated system of this shotgun was developed by F. v. Dreyse *1880. When with rifle itself, it acts of a very beautiful part, Damas barrels with all the other engraved metal parts of subjects of hunting. The guard of trigger guard in horn is a typical execution for a weapon of this origin, in particular on coins coming from the south of Germany (Bavaria) and Austria.
According to the documents in appendix the inception of this weapon is in second half of the 19th century… (about 1880).
Another rifle of
A. Haetge