Gew. 98
A normal Spandau 1918 production but with a detachable 25 rounds magazine (see the left hand of the standing man in the period photo).
The chain is to avoid loosing the key that lock the follower when the magazine is removed from rifle.
A very normal rifle with a very rare device.
There are many manufacture of this rifle, see here:
Waffenfabrik Mauser A.G. Oberndorff A/N.
Deutsche Waffen Und Munitionsfabriken. Berlin
C.G. Haenel Suhl
V.C. Schilling & Co. Suhl
Waffenwerke Oberspree Kornbusch & Co.
Waffenwerke Oberspree
Simson & Co. Suhl
J.P. Sauer & Sohn Suhl
Bavarian Arsenal Amberg
Prussian Arsenal Danzig
Prussian Arsenal Erfurt
Prussian Arsenal Spandau