Revolvers Bull Dogs of Lacouture (Lyon)



It is about a pistol of shooting of living room of the type FLOBERT.

The trigger guard is with volutes and the stick rebirth with metal cap is with baluster.

The trigger guard is with puts back finger, the parts of aiming are crimped in the barrel.

The calibre is most probably 6 mm rimfire.

Manufacturer is :

LACOUTURE (brothers) Arms manufacturers in Lyon (Rhone). House founded in 1804. 2 money medals in Lyon in 1894 and 1900. GAGNE in 1931 then GAGNE-LACOUTURE in 1955 until 1985 becomes.

85, Place of the town hall (1893-1895).

Veuve Lacouture & Fils

Arquebusier à Lyon

Many thanks to “BOLKANTIQUES” for the pictures.