Bodeo 1889


An article of 64pages on Bodeo

This article was written by Luciano Salvatici 30 years ago and published by the review “DIANA ARMI” in a joined booklet.

Since this review doesn’t exist any more and that Salvatici is deceased, I allowed myself to pass to me from authorization to publish it in the website.

If by chance the royalties belong to somebody, that it lets it to me know.

The webmaster Alain Daubresse


History of the Italian revolvers “Bodéo” model 1889.

October 31, 1889 was officially adopted a new revolver resulting from the various patents deposited by the Neapolitan arms manufacturer Carlo Bodéo.

Its gauge was the 10.35 mm Glisenti. It was more known under name “thigh of lamb”, and this, in connection with its grips.

Many arms manufacturers such as Glisenti, Beretta, Bermardelli, and Castelli took part in its manufacture. It is interesting to know also that during the first War a part of the production was entrusted to Spanish industries of Eibar, but the quality of these last was not always nice.

The period of manufacture extends from 1889 and ended about 1930, but it was still largely used during the Second World War. During this long production, more than seventy modifications were brought and this all confused models.



Il y a pas mal de confusion entre les auteurs étrangers sur la dénomination des armes dites "Bodeo".

Les sociétés italiennes qui ont produit la Bodeo sont:


Castelli N & V

MIDA già Castelli


Castelli e Toschi



Metallurgica Bresciana già Tempini
