Usage statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 21-Oct-2024 05:58 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 507743
Total Files 405611
Total Pages 224746
Total Visits 38327
Total kB Files 25175789
Total Unique Sites 32104
Total Unique URLs 25930
Total Unique Referrers 6688
Total Unique User Agents 5574
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 1007 5491
Hits per Day 24178 34358
Files per Day 19314 30671
Pages per Day 10702 17410
Sites per Day 1528 4224
Visits per Day 1825 3407
kB Files per Day 1198847 1801892
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 79.89% 405611
Code 206 - Partial Content 4.39% 22266
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.94% 4758
Code 304 - Not Modified 4.07% 20646
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 12
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.69% 3482
Code 404 - Not Found 10.03% 50932
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.01% 30
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 6

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 27027 5.32% 22120 5.45% 14279 6.35% 3201 8.35% 3191 9.94% 1186142 4.71%
2 28171 5.55% 20555 5.07% 13840 6.16% 1733 4.52% 2036 6.34% 1308417 5.20%
3 30227 5.95% 24759 6.10% 11699 5.21% 1951 5.09% 2698 8.40% 1506839 5.99%
4 28326 5.58% 22120 5.45% 8087 3.60% 1610 4.20% 4224 13.16% 1441271 5.72%
5 22773 4.49% 17392 4.29% 8206 3.65% 1811 4.73% 2956 9.21% 1105649 4.39%
6 31437 6.19% 24466 6.03% 17410 7.75% 3407 8.89% 3329 10.37% 1134854 4.51%
7 28121 5.54% 22950 5.66% 13589 6.05% 1624 4.24% 2495 7.77% 1072290 4.26%
8 22082 4.35% 17284 4.26% 7146 3.18% 1822 4.75% 2156 6.72% 1078614 4.28%
9 21276 4.19% 16652 4.11% 7597 3.38% 1870 4.88% 2627 8.18% 994669 3.95%
10 26021 5.12% 21755 5.36% 7821 3.48% 1729 4.51% 2311 7.20% 1339055 5.32%
11 18220 3.59% 14362 3.54% 7182 3.20% 1709 4.46% 1926 6.00% 874410 3.47%
12 34358 6.77% 30671 7.56% 17003 7.57% 1710 4.46% 1851 5.77% 1801892 7.16%
13 23427 4.61% 19938 4.92% 10962 4.88% 1723 4.50% 1728 5.38% 1573020 6.25%
14 25648 5.05% 17905 4.41% 12604 5.61% 2083 5.43% 1841 5.73% 1158713 4.60%
15 22539 4.44% 18052 4.45% 9016 4.01% 1674 4.37% 1783 5.55% 1268453 5.04%
16 19193 3.78% 15846 3.91% 8135 3.62% 1717 4.48% 1929 6.01% 1081828 4.30%
17 28077 5.53% 24182 5.96% 13528 6.02% 1810 4.72% 2113 6.58% 1624926 6.45%
18 26322 5.18% 21849 5.39% 15656 6.97% 1645 4.29% 1788 5.57% 1311686 5.21%
19 17809 3.51% 14739 3.63% 8563 3.81% 1647 4.30% 1540 4.80% 1190949 4.73%
20 23396 4.61% 15616 3.85% 11216 4.99% 1798 4.69% 1664 5.18% 961392 3.82%
21 3293 0.65% 2398 0.59% 1207 0.54% 323 0.84% 453 1.41% 160720 0.64%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 865 18180 3.58% 635 13336 3.29% 460 9676 4.31% 41641 874456 3.47%
1 862 18115 3.57% 623 13091 3.23% 432 9081 4.04% 41232 865879 3.44%
2 785 16497 3.25% 616 12954 3.19% 368 7745 3.45% 41652 874702 3.47%
3 725 15236 3.00% 547 11506 2.84% 416 8755 3.90% 34787 730518 2.90%
4 919 19312 3.80% 625 13138 3.24% 537 11277 5.02% 40081 841693 3.34%
5 940 19747 3.89% 718 15089 3.72% 470 9889 4.40% 44759 939929 3.73%
6 808 16971 3.34% 650 13663 3.37% 404 8503 3.78% 38841 815667 3.24%
7 856 17976 3.54% 555 11662 2.88% 531 11153 4.96% 33965 713260 2.83%
8 952 20002 3.94% 765 16085 3.97% 408 8571 3.81% 48021 1008445 4.01%
9 963 20226 3.98% 753 15822 3.90% 414 8697 3.87% 47151 990181 3.93%
10 941 19773 3.89% 729 15323 3.78% 519 10916 4.86% 42160 885354 3.52%
11 1183 24857 4.90% 992 20836 5.14% 405 8520 3.79% 58161 1221375 4.85%
12 1066 22398 4.41% 827 17383 4.29% 446 9376 4.17% 50039 1050818 4.17%
13 879 18475 3.64% 705 14820 3.65% 401 8433 3.75% 42342 889175 3.53%
14 1065 22381 4.41% 841 17676 4.36% 463 9728 4.33% 52962 1112192 4.42%
15 1229 25823 5.09% 1069 22449 5.53% 445 9356 4.16% 64773 1360233 5.40%
16 1145 24047 4.74% 950 19954 4.92% 412 8654 3.85% 57848 1214802 4.83%
17 1142 23995 4.73% 957 20097 4.95% 439 9237 4.11% 58329 1224916 4.87%
18 1125 23639 4.66% 944 19825 4.89% 431 9057 4.03% 60359 1267541 5.03%
19 1158 24324 4.79% 975 20482 5.05% 476 10009 4.45% 60656 1273782 5.06%
20 1200 25216 4.97% 1028 21589 5.32% 424 8904 3.96% 66576 1398091 5.55%
21 1145 24046 4.74% 957 20108 4.96% 435 9144 4.07% 61236 1285956 5.11%
22 1150 24150 4.76% 942 19795 4.88% 490 10295 4.58% 56316 1182639 4.70%
23 1064 22357 4.40% 901 18928 4.67% 465 9770 4.35% 54961 1154183 4.58%

Top 30 of 25930 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 22945 4.52% 3410262 13.55% /stats/usage_202409.html
2 19655 3.87% 166363 0.66% /
3 19271 3.80% 1922695 7.64% /stats/usage_202410.html
4 12554 2.47% 447932 1.78% /arme americaine/smith and wesson/s
5 8756 1.72% 1302952 5.18% /stats/usage_201409.html
6 8750 1.72% 89555 0.36% /stats/
7 1685 0.33% 249865 0.99% /stats/usage_202402.html
8 1273 0.25% 187909 0.75% /stats/usage_202403.html
9 946 0.19% 6864 0.03% /arme francaise/a accueil arme francaise fr.htm
10 717 0.14% 107224 0.43% /stats/usage_201501.html
11 596 0.12% 6253 0.02% /arme americaine/a a images armes americaine fr.htm
12 584 0.12% 3424 0.01% /arme americaine/revolver confedere/a a revolver confedere fr.htm
13 514 0.10% 7173 0.03% /arme allemande/a a image arme allemande fr.htm
14 324 0.06% 3201 0.01% /arme francaise/a accueil arme francaise gb.htm
15 291 0.06% 666 0.00% /arme americaine/colt/a a colt gb.htm
16 284 0.06% 1280 0.01% /arme suisse/arme ordonnance/a mousqueton cavalerie 1893 fr.htm
17 279 0.05% 758 0.00% /arme francaise/artisans p q r/a pidault et cordier fr.htm
18 253 0.05% 1857 0.01% /arme espagnole/a a images armes espagnoles gb.htm
19 250 0.05% 1270 0.01% /arme italienne/a galesi 503 504 gb.htm
20 231 0.05% 2881 0.01% /arme allemande/a a image arme allemande gb.htm
21 226 0.04% 1906 0.01% /arme nat div/a a images nat div gb.htm
22 220 0.04% 1838 0.01% /curios et antiquites/a a images curios et antiquites gb.htm
23 211 0.04% 1671 0.01% /arme japonaise/a a images armes japonaises gb.htm
24 208 0.04% 1880 0.01% /arme britannique/artisan s t/a tranter gb.htm
25 208 0.04% 3988 0.02% /curios et antiquites/a a images curios et antiquites fr.htm
26 205 0.04% 447 0.00% /arme britannique/artisan c/a calverts john et william gb.htm
27 204 0.04% 449 0.00% /arme britannique/enfield/aa enfield fusil mk 3 etoile gb.htm
28 201 0.04% 2171 0.01% /arme suisse/a a images armes suisses fr.htm
29 197 0.04% 2576 0.01% /arme americaine/a a images armes americaine gb.htm
30 193 0.04% 739 0.00% /arme britannique/sten/a a sten fr.htm

Top 10 of 25930 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 22945 4.52% 3410262 13.55% /stats/usage_202409.html
2 19271 3.80% 1922695 7.64% /stats/usage_202410.html
3 8756 1.72% 1302952 5.18% /stats/usage_201409.html
4 12554 2.47% 447932 1.78% /arme americaine/smith and wesson/s
5 1685 0.33% 249865 0.99% /stats/usage_202402.html
6 1273 0.25% 187909 0.75% /stats/usage_202403.html
7 19655 3.87% 166363 0.66% /
8 717 0.14% 107224 0.43% /stats/usage_201501.html
9 8750 1.72% 89555 0.36% /stats/
10 73 0.01% 9929 0.04% /update/historique mise a jour.htm

Top 10 of 3702 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 19655 3.87% 4139 11.17% /
2 12554 2.47% 1728 4.66% /arme americaine/smith and wesson/s
3 19271 3.80% 690 1.86% /stats/usage_202410.html
4 8750 1.72% 444 1.20% /stats/
5 946 0.19% 338 0.91% /arme francaise/a accueil arme francaise fr.htm
6 596 0.12% 303 0.82% /arme americaine/a a images armes americaine fr.htm
7 514 0.10% 240 0.65% /arme allemande/a a image arme allemande fr.htm
8 584 0.12% 220 0.59% /arme americaine/revolver confedere/a a revolver confedere fr.htm
9 291 0.06% 200 0.54% /arme americaine/colt/a a colt gb.htm
10 22945 4.52% 194 0.52% /stats/usage_202409.html

Top 10 of 3709 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 19655 3.87% 3988 10.77% /
2 12554 2.47% 1783 4.81% /arme americaine/smith and wesson/s
3 19271 3.80% 698 1.88% /stats/usage_202410.html
4 8750 1.72% 444 1.20% /stats/
5 946 0.19% 342 0.92% /arme francaise/a accueil arme francaise fr.htm
6 596 0.12% 318 0.86% /arme americaine/a a images armes americaine fr.htm
7 514 0.10% 245 0.66% /arme allemande/a a image arme allemande fr.htm
8 584 0.12% 209 0.56% /arme americaine/revolver confedere/a a revolver confedere fr.htm
9 291 0.06% 199 0.54% /arme americaine/colt/a a colt gb.htm
10 22945 4.52% 196 0.53% /stats/usage_202409.html

Top 30 of 32104 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 21228 4.18% 21228 5.23% 3192393 12.68% 12 0.03%
2 14652 2.89% 14652 3.61% 1614470 6.41% 1 0.00%
3 12189 2.40% 12189 3.01% 4416 0.02% 195 0.51%
4 7294 1.44% 3914 0.96% 208803 0.83% 117 0.31%
5 6248 1.23% 3781 0.93% 160073 0.64% 103 0.27%
6 5092 1.00% 2577 0.64% 132158 0.52% 162 0.42%
7 4011 0.79% 4011 0.99% 508735 2.02% 1 0.00%
8 3744 0.74% 3737 0.92% 239857 0.95% 5 0.01%
9 3496 0.69% 3495 0.86% 219876 0.87% 1 0.00%
10 3357 0.66% 3353 0.83% 212827 0.85% 5 0.01%
11 3283 0.65% 3276 0.81% 210429 0.84% 3 0.01%
12 2955 0.58% 0 0.00% 1005 0.00% 1 0.00%
13 2884 0.57% 287 0.07% 1931 0.01% 96 0.25%
14 2884 0.57% 276 0.07% 1867 0.01% 84 0.22%
15 2870 0.57% 233 0.06% 1702 0.01% 79 0.21%
16 2646 0.52% 2226 0.55% 232380 0.92% 17 0.04%
17 2579 0.51% 2457 0.61% 4014 0.02% 6 0.02%
18 2551 0.50% 2538 0.63% 4509 0.02% 14 0.04%
19 2539 0.50% 2240 0.55% 86865 0.35% 137 0.36%
20 2536 0.50% 147 0.04% 3341 0.01% 1 0.00%
21 2457 0.48% 2434 0.60% 3620 0.01% 3 0.01%
22 2426 0.48% 2419 0.60% 151390 0.60% 2 0.01%
23 2246 0.44% 2240 0.55% 137778 0.55% 4 0.01%
24 2217 0.44% 2206 0.54% 3939 0.02% 14 0.04%
25 2101 0.41% 2089 0.52% 3691 0.01% 15 0.04%
26 2098 0.41% 1512 0.37% 51451 0.20% 247 0.64%
27 1966 0.39% 1965 0.48% 122505 0.49% 1 0.00%
28 1937 0.38% 1930 0.48% 3413 0.01% 16 0.04%
29 1933 0.38% 1668 0.41% 103032 0.41% 20 0.05%
30 1885 0.37% 944 0.23% 10107 0.04% 1 0.00%

Top 10 of 32104 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 21228 4.18% 21228 5.23% 3192393 12.68% 12 0.03%
2 14652 2.89% 14652 3.61% 1614470 6.41% 1 0.00%
3 4011 0.79% 4011 0.99% 508735 2.02% 1 0.00%
4 3744 0.74% 3737 0.92% 239857 0.95% 5 0.01%
5 2646 0.52% 2226 0.55% 232380 0.92% 17 0.04%
6 3496 0.69% 3495 0.86% 219876 0.87% 1 0.00%
7 3357 0.66% 3353 0.83% 212827 0.85% 5 0.01%
8 3283 0.65% 3276 0.81% 210429 0.84% 3 0.01%
9 7294 1.44% 3914 0.96% 208803 0.83% 117 0.31%
10 6248 1.23% 3781 0.93% 160073 0.64% 103 0.27%

Top 30 of 6688 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 181228 35.69% - (Direct Request)
2 16993 3.35%
3 11285 2.22%
4 6586 1.30% americaine/smith and wesson/s
5 5769 1.14%
6 5706 1.12%
7 5666 1.12%
8 5416 1.07% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
9 4909 0.97%
10 3056 0.60% francaise/artisans c d/a darne fr.htm
11 2771 0.55%
12 2665 0.52% suisse/collectionneur andre/a collection andre.htm
13 2084 0.41% russe/a mossin nagant fr.htm
14 1995 0.39% allemande/mauser/a mauser c 96 gb.htm
15 1894 0.37% francaise/technique/a technique mas 36 fr.htm
16 1868 0.37%
17 1700 0.33% et antiquites/a a images curios et antiquites gb.htm
18 1610 0.32% americaine/artisan d e f/a forehand and wadsworth gb.htm
19 1585 0.31% francaise/artisans c d/a darne gb.htm
20 1454 0.29% espagnole/ancien artisan/a orbea hermanos gb.htm
21 1424 0.28% francaise/saint etienne/a manufrance pistolet le francais fr.htm
22 1416 0.28% francaise/saint etienne/a mas revolver 1892 fr.htm
23 1396 0.27% espagnole/ancien artisan/a trocaola aranzabal y cia gb.htm
24 1391 0.27% italienne/a galesi 503 504 gb.htm
25 1329 0.26%
26 1326 0.26%
27 1303 0.26%
28 1240 0.24%
29 1202 0.24% americaine/smith and wesson/s
30 1179 0.23% espagnole/ancien artisan/a orbea hermanos fr.htm

Top 20 of 72 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 5.56% littlegun
2 4 4.44%
3 4 4.44%
4 3 3.33%
5 2 2.22% french gunmaker mutzig m1842 pistol
6 2 2.22%
7 2 2.22%
8 2 2.22%
9 2 2.22%
10 2 2.22%
11 1 1.11% 1873 marine
12 1 1.11% armurier josef winkler ferlach
13 1 1.11% banker special
14 1 1.11% colt frontier 1878
15 1 1.11%
16 1 1.11%
17 1 1.11%
18 1 1.11%
19 1 1.11%
20 1 1.11%

Top 15 of 5574 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 51315 10.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 38749 7.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
3 20771 4.09% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
4 16797 3.31% Googlebot-Image/1.0
5 15722 3.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
6 15388 3.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0
7 14728 2.90% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
8 14675 2.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
9 12077 2.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.89 Mobile
10 11720 2.31% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.6 Mobile/15E148
11 7890 1.55% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Qwantbot-prod8964/1.0;
12 7050 1.39% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
13 6208 1.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
14 5661 1.11% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.6 Safari/605.1.15
15 5312 1.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 507743 100.00% 427877 105.49% 25175789 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23